Comprehensive financial planning sounds so daunting but it really is the process of determining what is important to you and aligning your financial life to prioritize what is important.  Starting with discovery, knowing you and your goals, together we chart a course that will be refreshed as needed.  What is important to you and how does your money help you accomplish what is important? 

Financial planning starts with an accurate understanding of your current situation and a detailed understanding of your goals.  From there, we build your family's cash flow statement and balance sheet, provide a retirement snapshot based on your projected savings and retirement expenses, and detail the cost of each of your goals.  The final product is a physical report with specific recommendations on how best to achieve your goals and what structure and process you should use to make the most of your savings and future cash flow.

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There are few better starting points than considering what is important to you with Independent Financial Planning.  Money is involved in all the parts of our lives and it inevitably touches on the whole of our lives.  Don't be afraid to confront the truth of your current situation and dream about where you want to be.  Sitting down with a professional and discussing what is important to you will help you gain clarity and together we can create a path to get you to where you want to be.  Don't miss the opportunity.